
Showing posts from February, 2007

Web or Potatoes ?

Yesterday TV (TG1) said that a job called "Potatoes Watcher" is paid 8,00 euro each hour. In Italy a web/desktop developer with 10 years experience and more than one official certification is paid about 4 or 5 euro each hour. Potatoes Watcher look for bad potatoes 40 hours each week. An expert web/desktop developer study every day new languages, new technologies and creates program quite more complex than a potato ... about 60 hours each week (but paid for 40 hours). I'm really thinking to change my job, sending curriculum vitae to italian potatoes factory. I'll probably have more chance to grow up my own salary and why not, my potatoes skill too, even having less work to do. This is Information Technology in Italy and that's why We are on Top Ten of Europe UnTechnology. Regards (and please, eat potatoes!)

[IT] Italia - Finalmente i conti tornano

Premessa I riferimenti a persone o a cose di questa mia riflessione pubblica non sono puramente casuali ma sono solo parte, come appena detto, di una mia personale riflessione del tutto opinabile. La realtà italiana del settore IT Sono diverse settimane che seguo gli interessanti interventi di Punto Informatico che riguardano il settore IT . Addetti ai lavori di ogni tipo con esperienza da 0 a 100 e per ogni età lamentano problematiche analoghe, quali: retribuzione non adeguata rispetto le competenze richieste ricerca di professionisti senior di ogni tipo per offerte spesso sotto le 1.000 euro mensili mancata consapevolezza sulle reali necessità aziendali, annunci improbabili per ricoprire ruoli che non hanno nulla a che fare col curriculum ideale sfruttamento d'orario, contratti raramente a tempo indeterminato carriere "ghiacciate" dalle dubbie prospettive future mancata disponibilità di fondi, mancata voglia di investire esubero di "gonfia curriliculum" e pro...

A better Singleton pattern example

JavaScript Singleton examples are often not so correct. In these pages for example, top Google search results, any showed code is a Singleton design pattern: A (Re)-Introduction to JavaScript , shows a "strange" function that's not Singleton Matías Giovannini shows a public static instance that doesn't rappresent Singleton Means Nothing talks about functions, not about Singleton Webreference shows a static public instance again, using underscore as "__" prefix and suffix ... but doesn't show a Singleton Why these examples are not good enought? As You can see, Singleton uses a private constructor and a static public method to get a uniq object instance. // Java example public class Singleton { // Private constructor suppresses generation of a (public) default constructor private Singleton() {} private static class SingletonHolder { private static Singleton instance = new Singleton(); } public static Singleton getInstance() { return SingletonH...

45.000.000,00 Euro ... 45.000.000 Euro, please Europe, HELP US !!!

Could I change a native function ?

Just a quick post about how to modify a document (and others generic objects) native methods. // basic example document.createElement = (function(createElement, Element){ return function(nodeName){ var element, key; try{element = createElement(nodeName)} catch(e){element =, nodeName)}; for(key in Element) element[key] = Element[key]; return element; } })(document.createElement, {}); What's that ? ... a really simple way to extend with your defined object each element created using document.createElement function. This is an example with useful comments (I hope) // redefine document.createElement native function // using anonymous function document.createElement = ( function( // original document.createElementFunction createElement, // object used to extend created elements Element ){ // new document.createElement function return function( // type of element (div, p, link, style ... ) nodeName ){ // element and ...

GzOutput 0.5 finally approved !!!

PHPClasses has approved my last notable uploaded class, GzOutput :-) Features compatible with both php version 4 and 5 (E_ALL | E_STRICT notice free) create runtime every kind of content-type with or without dedicated charset cache automatically every kind of file or file list (one or more JavaScript, CSS, XML, xHTML, TXT, others) decrease client download time (about 5 times faster!) increase server performances if cache option is enabled (about 3 times faster!) give you control with differents public static methods, easy to use, secure and portable "perfect" unobtrusive solution, compatible with every browser, every page parser (W3, WatchFire, WebSiteoptimizzation, others) and doesn't modify sources, just crunch them with different levels if you choose to crunch so you don't need any kind of packer, for example for your javascript files "forgettable solution", automatically update chached file when one or more required file has been changed Use them to o...