JSmile ? Even more simple with an AntiPixel ;)
I've created an antipixel gif to add JSmile easily in your site too. What should you do to add JSmile? Copy and past this code wherever you like in your website. <img src="http://packed.it/JSmile/JSmile.gif" alt="JSmile - by Web Reflection" title="JSmile - by Web Reflection" onclick="if(window.JSmile){JSmile(document.body)}else{var i=setInterval(function(){if(window.JSmile){clearInterval(i);JSmile(document.body)}},20),s=document.createElement('script');s.src='http://packed.it/JSmile/?js';document.body.appendChild(s)}" /> Done? Perceft, now when you want, click in JSmile antipixel and your site will be more rich. Too simple? :o