This is just a quick post about my last HTML5 sessionStorage implementation for "every" browser and this is the summary: Linear Storage Protocol finally consistent as a stand alone general purpose storage (string, file, request) RC4 Stream Cipher key generation without breaking characters (\x00 not in the random range) Cross Domain Support , if both site and site support my implementation, they will not delete or modify each other domain information optimized boot strap for frames and iframes, the storage parsing and reassignment is performed once and not every time which means zero delay when an iframe is injected or more frames uses the same implementation Finally, few bug fixes and this version is both W3C Draft compatible and cross browser. Known Supported Browsers Chrome 1 and 2, version 3 or 4 should have native support for Web Storage Internet Explorer 5, 6, and 7, 8 has native support for Web Storage Opera 7, 8, 9, and 10 beta, hopefully 1...