This is what our West Coast Tour looks like thus far, venues, and more details are forthcoming - 1/6 Phoenix, AZ @ Sound Control w/ Elders, Hatred Surge Mammoth Grinder 1/7 Los Angeles, CA w/ Rayos X, Mata Mata 1/8 Long Beach, CA @ Unity Church, 935 E. Broadway, 7PM w/ Timebombs, Francis Harold and the Holograms 1/9 San Francisco, CA @ Sub-Mission Art Space (Balazo), 2183 Mission Street, 730PM w/ Skin Like Iron 1/10 Oakland, CA @ the Swamp w/ Migraine, Hesitation Wounds, No Statik 1/11 Reno, NV @ the Wonderwell, 271 Wonder St w/ Huck, registeredsexoffender 1/12 Norcal, CA @ TBA 1/13 Portland, OR @ Dunes w/ Walls 1/14 Olympia, WA @ Oldschool Pizzeria, 108 Franklin St NE, 10PM w/ White Boss, White Wards 1/15 Vancouver, BC @ TBA w/ Mundo Muerto 1/16 Seattle, WA @ the M in G-town w/ Walls, Big Crux