
Showing posts from June, 2011

JavaScript Hypertext Preprocessor

well, the doctor said I can remove the tutor that was blocking my painful dislocated shoulder so here I am to test a "writing session" under pain killers from my bed! With such post title you may think that doctor was a shrink ... well, I let you figure it out after reading ;) About Hybrid Programming Languages We all know CoffeScript , right? As well as Traceur Compiler ... right? These are what I call Hybrid Programming Languages, or better, those kind of pseudo representation of the programming language we use, in this case still JavaScript, passing through a more abstract, enhanced, "improved" syntax (Coffee) or language features (Traceur) . About PHP And JavaScript If you follow me since years you may have noticed how many times I have tried to make PHP more JavaScriptish . JavaScript like Object class is the first example from 2008, while [js.php] A JavaScript Object Like PHP Class was surely a better attempt, thanks to new PHP 5.3 features, as well as PHP...



Thank you!


R.I.P. Pollution

One of the best Brooklyn bands.



Tour Dates

Hey our tour dates are below---- almost everything is booked or being worked on minus the last couple dates that have a NEED HELP next to them.. if anyone knows someone that can do something in those areas, please hit me up - i'll post updates as we get em! August 4 - Brooklyn @ 538 Johnson w/ Nomos, Brain F, and Only the Messenger 5 - New Jersey @ Brick Moose Lodge w/ Nomos 6 - Philly @ Kung Fu Necktie w/ Whatever Brains, Streetwalker  7 - Pittsburgh @ Helter Shelter w/ Slices and Free Clinic 8 - Cleveland, OH @ Now that's Class w/ Jerk 9 - Columbus, OH @ Carabar w/ IceAge, Unholy Two, White Walls 10 - Louisville, KY @ Cahoots w/ Cross and Tropical Trash 11 - Indianapolis, IN @ The Dojo 12 - Chicago, IL @ Water Worx w/ Birth 13 - Minneapolis, MN @ TBA w/ Punch, Loma Prieta, and Condiminium 14 - St Louis, MO @ APOP Records 15 - Tulsa, OK @ the Sound Pony w/ Lizard Police 16 - Lawrence, KS @ Replay Lounge w/ Jabberjosh 17 - Denver, CO @ TBA 18 - Driving 19 - ...

A week from today...

flyer by Nathanial Matthews

ES5 and use strict

Update There was another article about it which has less examples but more complementary points or descriptions. Moreover, that page links to a specific use strict compatibility page , right now green only with Firefox Aurora and Google Chrome Canary . However, another page shows more use strict cases as well and Canary seems to miss one check while Webkit Nightly shows all green YES. Opera Next is not there yet while IE10 surprisingly scores all of them except Function declaration in statements. Well done guys! on page 233 of the ECMAScript 5th Edition we can read details about "use strict" activation and what it means for our code. Somebody believes this ES5 feature can help developers to write less errors ... well, I think not everything is that good as it looks. This post is about all those points with concrete examples. No OctalIntegerLiteral or OctalEscapeSequence Base 8 has not many use cases on daily JS tasks. As example, to obtain the number 8 in base 8 we c...

Partial Polyfills

This is a quick one already discussed during my recent workshop in Warsaw, a concept rarely considered or adopted from JS developers. What Are Polyfills If we are updated enough to know ECMAScript 5th Edition, we probably know all possible shims and fallbacks for Array extras as well (e.g. Array.prototype.forEach ). Polyfills are simply snippets able to bring features already available for most recent browsers into those not updated yet. Why Polyfills If we develop with present and future in mind, we can take advantage of most recent techniques and solutions in order to both speed up via native support, where available, and maintain our application just stripping out code once all target browsers support them natively ... isn't this cool ?! Polyfills Side Effects The most common side effect of a polyfill is performances impact . The Array::forEach is already a good example of decreased performances. If we think about a forEach, it's nothing different than a classic for loop , e...