About JavaScript apply arguments limit
Just a quick one from ECMAScript ml ... it is true that browsers may have a limited number of arguments per function. This may be actually a problem, specially when we use apply to invoke a generic function that accepts arbitrary number of arguments. String.fromCharCode This is a classic example that could fail with truly big collection of char codes and here my suggestion to avoid such limit: var fromCharCode = (function ($fromCharCode, MAX_LENGTH) { // (C) WebReflection - DO THE FUCK YOU WANT LICENSE return function fromCharCode(code) { typeof code == "number" && (code = [code]); for (var result = [], i = 0, length = code.length; i ) { result.push($fromCharCode.apply(null, code.slice(i, i + MAX_LENGTH))); } return result.join(""); }; }(String.fromCharCode, 2048)); // example alert(fromCharCode(80)); // P alert(fromCharCode([80, 81, 82, 83, 84])...