The Code This is the 138 bytes version: function Queue(args, f) { setTimeout( = function next() { return (f = args.shift()) ? !!f(args) || !0 : !1; }, 0); return args; } While this is the 96 one: function Queue(a,b){setTimeout({return(b=a.shift())?!!b(a)||!0:!1},0);return a} The Why In almost every QCon London talk I have heard the word asynchronous . Well, the aim of the tweet sized function I have just written above is to make things easier. After I have implemented builder/JSBuilder.js for wru , so that Python is not needed anymore to build the tiny library, I needed to make builder/build.js usable in a way that asynchronous calls through node won't bother, at least visually, the normal flow of the script. After that I have thought: " why not making a generic Queue function with Promises like approach " ? The What It's quite straight forward, you create a queue, you use the queue. You might eventually pollute the queue or chang...