Nobody seems to be happy, nobody seems to understand it ... everyone is trying to change it, pretending to make it better ... and again, nobody seems to realize it has been here since ever, it has been working in any field, it does everything, and it keeps getting faster! One Scripting To Rule Them All As simple as that: Dart compiles into JavaScript so does Java, CoffeeScript, C, C++ and any LLVM compatible/compilable language via Emscripten ... and now TypeScript too ... how cool is that? As tweeted before, if every programming language can be basically translated into JavaScript which is already an extremely high level scripting language, don't ya think that maybe is not exactly JavaScript the problem ? Don't ya think maybe it's time to learn it rather than keep moaning about it ? Hasn't this language already demonstrated to be one of the most malleable, powerful, adaptable, reusable, recyclable, expressive out there ? So why everyone is trying to pretend this ...