
Showing posts from November, 2012

My Name Is Bound, Method Bound ...

it seems to me the most obvious thing ever but I keep finding here and there these common anti pattern: // 1. The timer Case this.timer = setTimeout( this.doStuff.bind(this), 500 ); // 2. The Listener Case (objOrEl || this).addEventListener( type, this.method.bind(this), false ); What Is Wrong I have explained a while ago what's wrong and how to improve these cases but I understand the code was too scary and the post was too long so here the summary: every setTimeout() call will create a new bound object and this is both redundant and inefficient plus it's not GC friendly there is no way to retrieve that listener created inline so it's impossible to remove the listener any time is necessary ... yes, even after, when you do refactoring 'cause you will need to clean up listeners What You Need The short version is less than a tweet, 64bytes: function b(o,s,t){return(t=this)[s="@"+o]||(t[s]=t[o].bind(t))} This is the equivalent of: // as generic prototy...

Some Common Web Nonsense

Many times I read or write silly stuff and often it takes a while before I realize " what dafuq did I just read ? " Well, this post is about just few a-ha moments, together with WTF s, I keep having from time to time: enjoy! Those 4 Repeated + Disturbing Bytes I mean, this must come first, right? Web Development Tools are improving like hell and Web App development are 99% of the time behind a build process able to shrink HTML, recompile and optimize CSS, eliminate even death code from JS after parsing, recompilation, minification, pre-gzip-compression ... you name it ... and finally, we gonna have the output with a file called: mystuff .min .js ?!?! Am I the only one thinking that this does not make sense and all files should be named by default .max so that the equivalent after minifcation won't include those damn 4 bytes per each file? Entire CDN dedicated to common libraries and these expose minified files with .min extension ... isn't this bloody brillian...