
Showing posts from June, 2013


tomorrow, we are playing the 4 Knots Festival at South Street Seaport, NYC with some other great bands like Reigning Sound and Kurt Vile. We go on at 5 and its free. The show is rain or shine. Come on out!

What makes a great Developer

Passion It's the taste of success that comes with every little task that you've mastered, and smart solutions you've found that turn out advantageous. Programming is not just a job, it's an Art - it's Poetry. With Passion comes Motivation and thus Progress. Software development is not only huge, but also evolving very fast. A good developer enjoy's keeping up-to-date, since he knows that there's always a better way to do something. Learning new ways, satisfies his hunger. Curiosity A Program is deterministic. There is no such thing as an accident in a computers world. Every effect has its cause. A great developer does not accept accidents. He'd rather search and debug the numerous layers of a Software and it's environment to find the very reason. He builds up deep knowledge by doing that, allowing him to better understand, read and interpret weird behaviour of an application. A good developer does not program by Accident . “The important thing is not...


TOMORROW NITE. WARSAW.  Black Flag - 10:45 The Men - 9:30 Good For You - 8:45 The Netherlands - 8:00 “Every one of us is, in the cosmic perspective, precious. If a human disagrees with you, let him live. In a hundred billion galaxies, you will not find another.” Carl Sagan.

On Harmony JavaScript Generators

Developers get easily excited when something so used, acclaimed, and desired in another land comes to their own ... or the one they think they own ... This is the case of ECMAScript 6 Harmony Generators , something at this time you need to activate through the --harmony flag in node or going to about:flags in Google Chrome Canary url bar and enable experimental harmony/extension . Once you've done that, you'll be able, still through Chrome Canary at this time, to test examples, benchmarks, and other things in this post ... ready? So here the first great news: Generators Are Slower At least two times slower than forEach and about 10 times slower than regular loops. This is the result showed in this jsperf benchmark you can run too. Of course generators are slower, there's a massive process behind each generator such: { code: 'the generator function body', context: 'the bound/trapped context', scope: 'the whole scope used by the generator...

ArchLinux Might Not Play Cool

Update This rant, referred to that time, is still valid. However, the lastest ArchLinuxARM package has been updated after the big change and everything works again as expected. Thanks Arch Linux for updating all packages, appreciated! I'm actually avoiding a title such WTF ArchLinux to not leave a mark for this awesome community ... I mean, the best of the best: an always updated Linux distro for many devices and architectures blazing fast on boot time and freaking lightweight so you can put any extra you want and nothing more .. how can anyone ask more ... Kids Play Too Much There No, really ... this is not about blaming anyone specifically but seriously, a change able to brick every device ain't cool guys, not at all. Cannot Trust Pacman Anymore The main tool designed to update your system is screwed for basically every single tutorial about installing Arch Linux I could find on the net. pacman is doomed by an update, philosophically superfluous, able to make the upda...

The node.js Relative Path Case

Right now, it sucks because ___ , as @izs told me to start with , I could not find a simple way to resolve a path from a module that exported a function into another one. Spoiler: the reason I am trying to resolve paths is to load fresh modules runtime in polpetta . However, this might be a bad practice . @WebReflection Lest I commit malpractice, I must tell you this is a terrible idea. Now warned, rock on with your bad self. Hack away :) Still, my point is that it might be handy to be able to resolve paths relatively form the invoker regardless the why , even if you should always ask yourself that ;) This case is quite easy to misunderstand so I'll skip extra explanations now and put down some code. relative.js This example file aim is to log ASAP two different path resolutions: the one from the path, passing through the process.cwd() , and the one from the relative.js file itself. Object.defineProperties(this, { parent: { get: function () { // used later on ...