
Showing posts with the label conflicts

[ECMAScript 5] Do Not Remove arguments.callee !

Being subscribed in dunno how many developers mailing list, I completely forgot to follow up the arguments and arguments.callee discussion. Accordingly to this John post , is with extreme surprise that I am discovering how critical is the gap between programming language developers and programming languages active users. Even if I read more than once piece of SpiderMonkey or Google Chrome, I am part of programming languages users and I can tell you for sure that the decision to remove arguments.callee from the language will be a complete mess. The Main Aim Of ECMAScript 5: Do Not Break What We Have So Far Unfortunately, Internet Explorer will be broken , because named function persists in the scope , causing naming conflicts everywhere ! setTimeout(function f(){ alert(window.f); }, 1000); Above code will alert the function f in every Internet Explorer . Moreover, as you can read in one comme of John's entry, Internet Explorer has function interpretation "problems" , d