
Showing posts with the label optimization

Ajax better than Flash AMF? Optimized homogeneous collections

I found this dojo related post extremely interesting and I instantly though in our application we have similar JSON structure which is effectively redundant and, for thousands of database rows, it slows down visualization responsiveness (not that much in intranet, enough via internet). JSON.hpack I am developing on spare time an "all web languages" homogeneous collection packer in order to speed up client/server interaction specially for database results where the column name could be considered as a key and each field in the same column as a row. So far I created a JavaScript version which seems to work perfectly and results are quite impressive. For example, the total size of the 5000 items used in that dojo article switched from 37.23Kb to 26.27Kb , gzipped size, while number of characters to send / retrieve are 776133 against 99575 . As example, the host where I put the initial test does not allow more than 50Kb as uploaded data, this means that without JSON.hpack is not... goes off line !

... or, to be honest, that's what it's gonna do in few days, but PHP version is out ! You can find every information about server side version of packed it directly in this page . I am not joking when I said that is probably the fastest optimized client files server you can find over the net, even with an uncompiled program language like PHP. The key is the JOT compiler, compile one time, serve all the time without paranoia, saving bandwidth for both server and client, avoiding the usage of gz handlers, avoiding runtime compression, avoiding whathever you want, and finally, having the possibility to serve js, css, or both with a single file. Discover by yourself how long server need to serve, for example, jQuery ... less than one millisecond without louds of requests ... please look at X-Served-In header, if you do not trust me :P What's new? You do not need to pass in site to compile your projects, you can just serve and compile them directly from yo...