CSS Position Fixed Solution

Who does not know CSS 2.1? ... silence (maybe) ...
Good, so who does not know the CSS 2.1 position property? ... silence (still maybe though) ...

Excellent! Finally, who would like to use in a lightweight, cross-browser, unobtrusive way, without JavaScript dependencies, the property fixed? ... silence again, but this time I can spot a different expression in your face ...

Common Browsers With position:fixed Support

  • Chrome
  • Firefox
  • Internet Explorer 7 and 8 but NOT in quirks mode
  • Opera
  • Safari

Common Browsers WithOut position:fixed Support

  • Internet Explorer 6
  • Internet Explorer 7 and 8 in quirks mode
  • WebKit for Android
  • WebKit for iPhone

To Quirks Or Not To Quirks

For backward compatibility reasons IE let developers choose between two box models ... Our loved bloody 64 years* old browser Internet Explorer 6 has never supported such property while both Internet Explorer 7 and 8 do nt support it if we are in quirks mode, a modality tendentiously dead thanks to new simple HTML 5 doctype declaration: <!DOCTYPE html>.
To solve this issue I have created a dedicated file to include via conditional comments which includes a set of "never before that useful" expressions.

Why Expressions

CSS expressions are compatible, so far, only with Microsoft IE browser and they are totally alien for both other browsers and developers. The reason I am saying that is because they are completely unpredictable: it is not possible to easily understand or to predict when expressions will be executed, where, and how!
Technically speaking, being expressions dedicated for CSS hacks, their executions will be performed at least every time the element is somehow involved, and to make it involved, we need to touch some property in order to make expression useful (in this solution case the property offsetHeight of the current node).

The Direct Example

Here we have two pages: the standard or strict mode and the quirks one.
As you can test via your favorite browsers, there are always 5 elements in that page, a top div, a center one, a bottom one, and two divs one left and one right, above and over the center one.

How Does It Work

It is very simple, consider these CSS classes:

/** A WebReflection Solution */
.position-fixed-top {
position:fixed !important;
top: 0;
.position-fixed-center {
position:fixed !important;
top: 50%;
.position-fixed-bottom {
position:fixed !important;

Hopefully choose name are semantic enough, so it's quite clear that these classes aim is only to position elements, and nothing else, in order to be able to add other classes for whatever other property, zIndex if necessary included.
Choose classes are about most common usage of fixed elements in a page, top, center, or bottom, and adjusting positions or margins it is really simple to put the element in whatever part of the page starting from the bottom, from the top, or the left.
To let the magic be in Internet Explorer 6 and others in quirks mode, these classes are completely replaced, as you can read in IE dedicated file.
Being the IE solution based on CSS expressions, there should not be anything better or quicker than that, render time and call speaking, same should be for memory leaks, timers, and whatever strategy we have adopted 'till now (but of course if there is something better please share!).

Android & iPhone - Not Worth It

These mobile devices implement a stunning browser as dedicated WebKit is, able to render faster than IE8, for example, my last Liquid FX, based on 1 image, and one div, that's it! (congrats IE8 for stretched images rendering time! 7, 6, and 5.5. are much better) ... uh, wait, it's not about IE ...
Android and iPhone have both a great CSS 2.1 support, and even some CSS 3. Unfortunately the position fixed does not work as expected. To fix it I have tried different scripts failing each time. The reason is quite simple: both Android and iPhone block timers or render during scroll, so the effect is that divs move with the scrolled page and only after, eventually, divs come back in the expected position. This is against position fixed idea, and having a truly small screen we should ask our self if it makes sense to cover precious pixels with something fixed there.
It does not matter, as soon as I'll be able to test an iPhone I will continue to optimize my script in order to make the position fixed property usable somehow with mobile devices as well ( center right or center left could be interesting, bottom or top bar quite intrusive for user and/or zooming features ).

How To Implement My Solution

It's simple, if we are in a quirks page, we should include the CSS hacked file after the normal one, and for every IE:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="position-fixed.css" />
<!--[if IE]>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="position-fixed.IE.css" />

While for every standard or strict web page we can include the hack only for IE less than version 7:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="position-fixed.css" />
<!--[if lt IE 7]>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="position-fixed.IE.css?444" />

I can spot a new expression in your face, isn't it?

* if we multiply per 7 dogs age, I think it is reasonable to say that in IT each year could be multiplied for 8


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